
Latte Art!

Tonight during the slower part of my shift at "The Grind", my co-worker, Nick and I, decided to practice making artistic designs on top using foam. It was hard. Mostly because in order to make latter art, I had to make a lot of thick foam from the milk. After failing to do this with regular milk, I switched to using half and half. Don't worry--none of it was actually given to the customers. Nick and I would just use left over shots and foam in order to practice. After a few tries, I was able to come up with a few cool designs (I had a little help from a toothpick and my good friend, chocolate syrup):

a poinsetta?

a gerber daisy!

psychedelic masterpiece? or tsunami?

yeah, that was a lot of fun. Nick and I are hoping to perfect our art so as to make more customers happy. Happy customers mean more tips! It's the honest truth! And plus, I feel more productive at work when I get to make art with foam, chocolate syrup and espresso.


Jeku said...

mMm yummy!

You work at The Grind? Do you know my friend Nancy Khounphet?

Emily said...

Wow, those designs are wonderful! They almost make me want to try coffee, and that's saying something! Keep at it, m'dear! =)

Ashely said...

AH! so cool! so today i made a heart in some woman's latte by accident. then i ruined it by telling her that it was an accident. hhh. do you guys tamp your own shots like real people or do you press a button like starbucks (spit on floor)? i've become a coffee snob.