
Awkward hug day.

Also known as 1st day of school day! It's here, it's finally arrived! Biola kicked off another school year this morning with a very formal--very humid--commencement ceremony in the Chase Gymnasium. Our new president is really passionate about the right things. I'm excited for what God will do through Dr. Barry Corey in these coming years.

Anyway, yes. Awkward hug day. It is exactly what it sounds like. Not that every person I hug is awkward. It's only the people that are on the male side of homosapien spectrum that tend to be awkward. I think most guys know they should do the "side hug," only...most of my guy friends that I hugged today seemed to change their mind last minute...and then change it again! And what am I supposed to do? I try to follow their lead, but...it's often disastrous. I opted for just shaking hands, but that was almost more awkward. Guy sees open hand, thinks I want full frontal hug instead of a simple handshake. And I like hugs. I do. But I just don't really know what to do with my...arms, or my head. And my head...sort of just crash lands either on the guys' shoulders (ouch) or smack dab in the middle of the chest. I have to turn my head last minute to avoid breaking my nose. Then I do this...pat thing. I pat on the back, sometimes on the side. Why do I pat? I forget who it was exactly that I hugged this afternoon, but we ended up grabbing each other in the elbows (if you know me, you know how i feel about the elbows. Don't touch them). And yeah. I did pat his elbows. ELBOWS! It was painful--for me.

Aside from all the hugging and talking that I did today, I realized that I am really excited for this school year. It might trump last year and win the "Hardest Year of my Life. Ever." award. But in all seriousness, I am looking forward to what God will do. It may be hard at first, but joy always comes in the morning. Because God is good. Amen?

AND--Tomorrow is the first day of nursing school! EEEE! EEEE! weee!


Ashely said...

ahahahhaa!! i especially like the go in for the hug, jerk back, jerk forward, side hug with one arm patting opposite side so it's like a fride hug.

Ashely said...

ps i'm TOTALLY JEALOUS about you going back to biola.

c.c. said...

i hate awkward hugs. but i have to admit i'm usually the awkward perpetrator. i'm just not a good hugger. it's a gift i don't have. maybe i ought to pray more.

miss you!! and biola too.