
This is always fun...

1. What did you do 10 years ago?
hmm 10 years...let's see- i was 13 and 20 lbs lighter. That was the summer that my family and I left McAllen, Texas for Fresno, California.

2. Five items on your to-do list:

finish writing the 5 songs that i started in the last two weeks (gotta write them down, lest i forget).
buy a bed and dresser.
iron on the iron-on patches on the sleeves of my nursing uniform (eeeeee!)
move in to our new townhome! (eeeeeeh! again)
go on an adventure with Wa-Wa (Amanda) and Kindra

4. What would you do if you were a billionaire?
oh man, so many ideas flying into my brain! uh fund mission trips! feed hungry people in the U.S and in third world countries! help my parents pay off their debts...buy a forest and build a cottage on the property...buy a cow. no, what? I don't even like milk! or...build a castle by the sea...in Europe! buy the entire Anthropologie company...build something useful...buy this guitar & this one (drool). yeah, i'll just stop there before i get too carried away here...

5. Places I would live:

any place that God would have me, but if I had to pick...it would be any place that looks like this:
(Apparently this is Livermore, Colorado...sooooo pretty)

6. Jobs I have had:
Nursing Assistant at three different hospitals (Clovis Community, Children's Hospital Central California and St. Jude Medical Center in Fullerton)
Barista at It's a Grind in La Habra, California

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