
the prospect of summer is close at hand!

i just have to survive these last three weeks of school, without managing to ruin my GPA (while managing to take a couple of trips to Disneyland. yes, I'm determined to milk my pass for all it's worth!)

I wake up every day to the surreality of my life. I never expected I would be here I first started this school year. God has caught me so off guard, that I still stumble every few steps. I can't get too far on my own strength. I just end up eating a fistful of mashed up, humble pie. And contrary to popular belief, it does NOT taste very good.


I'm probably not doing as bad as I think I am (within the context of school). My doom and gloom finds its source in my online class, which I am too ashamed to even mention how far behind I am in (those who know me. know. which is sufficient enough for my conscience). In the words of Carissa Abrego, "it's bad. just bad." I can't bring myself to sit down and do it. Well last week, I did. And this whole weekend, I told myself that that's what I needed to do. Play catchup. But what happened? I don't know. Saturday happened. and now it's Sunday. AH!

and yet, amidst the stresses of it all, there are exciting and worthwhile things happening:
- getting an apartment with some really cool people.
- yeah, still super excited about the nursing program. still really excited.
- hoping to record some songs this summer (as i'm working 2 jobs. like a grown up!)
- looking forward to FINALLY finishing that Harry Potter series (it's going to be such a relief to read FOR FUN)
- God has blessed me financially. All the glory goes to him.
- both of my brothers are coming down within the next two weeks for choir stuff at Disneyland. i'm excited to spend time with them.

It's important to think of good things amidst the not-so-good things. i'm praying that God will give me the strength to do all the things that I need to do and to die to my complacency and lazy tendencies. As stubborn as I am, I hate it. So hopefully, Jesus will help me to cast that aside to be able finish strong.

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