
Day 5.

i think.
maybe i've lost count.
doesn't matter, the days seem to all blend together.

i realized that my earlier post seemed slightly grumpy. All things considered, I'm really not that grumpy, I was just tired and when I'm tired, I say things more bluntly.

I talked to my dad today to tell him that I cut my credit card because the darn thing was causing me trouble. My dad's response was not the "good for you from running away from Satan's foothold over your life," response that I was expecting, though, his response didn't surprise me either. He said, in a very LOUD tone, over the phone: "WHAT? What if there is an emergency? What are you going to do? You don't need to cut up your credit card, you just need to learn to control yourself. You are impulsive, you need to learn to not be that way!"

oh, Dad, if you only knew.

Thus far, today has been a good reminder that I am human. My dad's point is valid. Emergencies, financial ones, do tend to happen from time to time. A credit card could come in handy for such emergencies. I guess I thought about that, but filed that thought under "lame excuses."

Oy vey.

I wrote a song (or started to, anyway) a few days ago and the chorus kind of really speaks to the situation at hand:

Cause we're young and naive,
and made to believe that
we've got it all figured out.
But ironically, it's quite opposite,
and we'll be learning till the
day that we die.

1 comment:

c.c. said...

i dunno. maybe your dad had a point? i say this as a very impulsive person who gets lectured instead of congratulated regularly.