
Before I shower...more public self-disclosure!

11:03am. and all-could-be-better-than-it-has-been. (i'm so tempted to explain what that means, but i'm going to go against my character norms and just leave it be. ack.)

I'm not going to sit here and try to paint a pretty picture about how life has been. To be more precise and to the point, it's been sort of sucky. But you know what? That doesn't mean that God's awesomeness can't be seen through all the suckiness of life. In fact, I see His grace and His faithfulness even more. I am even more drawn to Him. It's like I'm a moth, entranced by the glow of the flourescent light against the darkness of the night (wow, that rhymed and it wasn't intentional!)

And God knows I need this. I've never been so dependent on my Father. I find myself so often just calling out Jesus's name at various points, throughout the day. I never realized how much I love to say that name.

yeah, i love Jesus.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I feel kinda selfish saying this, but I called dibs today on the sunrise and sunset. Sorry. It was nice :-)