
To be or Knott's Berry...

Yeah, I know that was bad. Sorry, I couldn't help it.

Today my friend Jennie and I went to Knott's for free! She's an EMT at Care Ambulance and the company wanted to show their appreciation by giving all the EMTs (and their friends and family) a day pass to Knott's Berry Farm, which also included a yummy ribs/fried chicken all-you-can-eat-buffet for dinner.

The day went pretty well, except for the fact that I am a pansy when it comes to roller coasters of any kind, or any ride that is even remotely close to a "thrill" ride. I do not exaggerate when I say that I absolutely abhor roller coasters. I hate, in the strongest sense of the word, that feeling that I get in my stomach when I'm plummeted against my will at 40-60mph towards the ground. Yeah, no thank you; I don't like feeling as if my innards are being compressed in a trash compactor, or...picked up like a wet wash cloth and wrung out to dry.

Unfortunately, riding those "thrill" rides was all that seemed worthwhile doing at Knott's Berry Farm--since it lacked the charm and pizazz of the Happiest Place on Earth. And Jennie, whom I assumed to be docile and un-adventurous, wanted to go on most of the roller coasters. This obviously posed a problem. She tried to convince me by saying that it was good pain. I dug my heels in the dirt and said "Heck No." Every time I walk out of the Tower of Terror (I've gone 3, maybe 4 times) I always wonder angrily as to why anyone enjoys that sort of thing...

I somehow managed to bend a little. Though not as much as Jennie would've liked (sorry). I went on the Silver Bullet, the Whirlwind and...well, yeah that's about it. When Jennie suggested the GhostRider, I almost passed out. I'm glad Jennie and I are such good friends and that our friendship is not contingent upon how many roller coasters I ride (or not ride) with her.

In other news: Jennie and I got to see Wall-E for free! After Knott's, I drove Jennie's car (cause she was eating pie in the passenger seat) to downtown disney and then stood in line at the AMC to buy our $10 ticket for the 7pm showing. Suddenly out of nowhere (or so it seemed), a kind-looking gentleman approached Jennie and asked if she wanted a couple of free tickets for Wall-E. Uhm...did he have to ask? Of course we did!

Interesting enough, the tickets were for a "private party" in Theatre 8. Apparently, the ALA (American Librarian Association) was having a conference in Anaheim and as part of their reward for being great and dedicated librarians, they were all given tickets to see Wall-E for free.

Random? Yes. and Amazing.

1 comment:

theekevy said...

This is the best blogpost title I've ever seen. I am simultaneously red with laughter and green with envy.