
it worked!

I've been trying ever so fervently to get my new header up for this blog. I've been trying all-day! Well that's a lie. I managed to squeeze in a chic-fil-a run and worked at the coffee shop for a few hours. However, when I came back--and as pathetic as this may sound--I went straight to my laptop to conquer the reluctant header. It doesn't surprise me that I would be this resolved about something so insignificant.

Anyway, after whining and complaining outloud, and stomping my feet a few times (when I'm tired, I tend to not have a filter for proper "adult" behavior), the darn thing finally uploaded! And it's there! Up there! Do you see it? Isn't it cool? It's my baby. No, just kidding. Well, I wish I was kidding.

In other news: some of my favorite "regulars" at work are an older couple who come in every day at 7:45pm or so. They're a little OCD about what they order but I don't mind because whenever they come in they bring their 2 little pet birds: a green parakeet and a white cockatoo. The birds' names slip my mind at the moment, which is unfortunate because their names are quite interesting. Anyway, the birds just sit on their respective owners' shoulders and walk casually up and down their arm. Sometimes they walk across their shoulders to the other side of the arm. Imagine that scene, while I'm trying to get their order. It's a little distracting. My co-worker thinks this is the weirdest thing she's ever come across. I think it's the coolest thing ever (of course, I also asked the couple if they were undercover pirates. They didn't quite get what I meant, which was unfortunate).

I tend to be really drawn to things that are eccentric and contrasting from whatever is considered "socially acceptable." I say, if you have the means, determination and gusto to be different, by all means, do it! Be different with the utmost sincerity! If you're chock full of idiosyncracies that are inexplicable, then we should be friends...

ok goodnight!

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