
Bad Idea.

(disclaimer: every once in awhile, I drink coffee with a couple shots of espresso. I write this disclaimer now, a few hours later...in a more sober state. The following journal entry was written while I was on a "caffeine high." Although I opted for deleting this particular journal entry, due to it's arbitrary and imbecillic nature, I thought it would be an interesting experiment to let it remain a part of my blogging experience, as a reminder of as to why I should really lay off the caffeine...)

I suppose I could join the rest of the country and gripe about the rising gas prices. Yes, I am annoyed that it takes about $45 to fill up my gas-efficient car nowadays (adds up to over $100 in gas per month), as opposed to how I only used to spend $20 for gas every week and a half or so. However, as annoyed as I am, I, thankfully, was not as livid as the man I met at Border's today. Well, ok...I wasn't the only one who met him. The entire store met him. I did not quite see his face, but from the minimal view I could acquire from standing on my tippy toes, it seemed that he was..."five cans short of a six pack", or better yet, "mad as a monkey on a trike" (source: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-some-euphemisms-for-being-crazy.htm).

Between the expletives, the man made some valid points. Can't quite remember them all right now, since I was distracted by a radioactive orange journal to my right; nevertheless, I thought to myself: "Gas prices wouldn't be such a bother if we all became hermits..."

yeah. ok. while it sounded good at the time... that's actually the worst idea I've ever had:

I haven't quite worked out the details on how to live like hermits without adding injury to our already crippled economy. And don't get me wrong. I may sound like I know what I'm talking about, but I know "diddly-squat" about economics. So whose to say that my hermit idea is even feasible? Plus, if customers stopped leaving their house to get coffee, I would be out of a job. No coffee drinkers, no coffee shop, no coffee shop...no job. Come to think of it, if I became a hermit, I wouldn't have a job anyway, since I would be fired for ditching work. Without work, I would probably get kicked out of my house because of my inability to pay rent. As a result, I would have to live on the streets. And in order to survive the streets, I would probably have to join a gang. And if I joined a gang, I would probably lose all my friends, not just to gang-related violence, but because they would be extremely disappointed that I would join a gang. Losing important friendships would then cause me to become a bitter and heartless individual, who becomes numb to wholesome goodness, love, truth and justice. Eventually, I would become the most infamous and feared crime-lord in the whole world and become so ridiculously rich, that I would buy all those evil oil companies and raise gas prices even higher, not for any particular reason but for my own personal gain.

Needless to say, hermitage can lead to even higher gas prices. Obviously a bad idea.

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