
Awkward... happens.

My life:

1. Recently, I received a random text message from a "mystery man" from my hometown of Fresno. He claims that he had found my number in his phone and he was wondering if he knew me. Without revealing too much of my own identity, and knowing how to ask the right questions, I discovered that he was a 25-year old Latino, who works at the same hospital that my mom does (he's an ER nurse), he grew up in Monterrey, California and he goes to People's Church (which is about a couple blocks or so down from a church I used to go to). Using my mother as a source, I had her investigate this phenomenon and I found out that Mystery Man actually checked out to be who he said he was. I am a naturally curious person and therefore continued to reply to Mystery Man's text for another day or so. However, it wasn't very long until it became very apparent that Mystery Man was insecure and required constant affirmation from a stranger he didn't even know. Mystery Man also hinted several times that he felt that our "meeting" was "god-ordained" and that maybe we were "meant to be."

yeah. That was the end of that.

2. My little condo was due to be cleaned today by yours truly and I like listen to hip hop music while I clean. Since it was a nice day, we only had our metal screen door closed to allow some "fresh" air in. "Soldier" by Destiny's Child came on as I was in the middle of mopping our wooden floors in the dining room and I started to "get my groove on." It was about half way through the song, when amidst my dancing I heard a male voice say "Knock-knock?" I twirled around, semi-shocked and thoroughly horrified, and saw my roommates' attractive gradschool friend standing right outside the screen door. Apparently, he and some of the other gradschool friends where coming over for a study session (i.e. comparing notes about some Rorshack test). I did know that he was coming, but I had lost track of time. An awkward smirk spread across his face as I walked to the door to let him in. I said a quick "hi" and hid in our kitchen for five minutes, finished my mopping and kind of, ran to my room. I didn't really come out for another 2o minutes. I mean, I know things could've been worse. I could've been naked. I'm hoping that he's forgotten. Then again, it was the kind of dancing that I normally wouldn't do in front of anyone--especially boys.


1 comment:

Kendra said...

I will comment on this. Lol. I didn't know that happened. The dancing part, that is.