


Sometimes, I get a little self-conscious about all my Jesus talk.


It should be little or no surprise to most people that our American culture is progressively moving away from God, His law, His love, His Holiness and more importantly, Jesus Christ & the Gospel. God's not a "big deal" anymore. This isn't just a problem in the secular world, but the casual disregard of the characters of God & the implications of the Cross has infiltrated the church and the minds of its attendees. President Obama did proclaim to the rest of the world that "we are no longer a Christian nation," and was proud of it. It doesn't surprise me, but it kind of freaks me out in a "the end is near!" kind of way...

Christians have become the "crazies" of this day and age. With the rest of the civilization finding their encouragement and inspiration from their respective muses of this world, Christians are looked down upon, viewed as archaic, mindless beings, who talk about things that don't make any logical sense. Granted, there are some Christians who are kind of actually crazy and they have somehow become THE representation of all the Christians and...that's not good.

And because I am a human being, I will go so far as to admit that due to my inherent insecurities and need for affirmation, its getting harder and harder to be verbal about my Christianity without feeling obnoxious or self-conscious (like, right now). What complicates this issue even more is my love for those outside of the Christian faith and for those who are "walking the line" so to speak. I want to be around these people more than I do with Christians. Well, in a way that wants to demonstrate to them how amazing it really is to be loved and be in love with Jesus and all that He is/will be. And that living for God is not about legalism but about wanting to live for Him because He loves us so much. I just want to show them that I'm not crazy...and that a majority of Christians are actual people, with actual problems, that we don't live in "la-la" land and have an answer/formula for everything and it is a day to day struggle to live by faith.

And is it bad to say that I think Jesus cares more about how we love people and how we reach out to others than how many worship songs we sing, or how many bible studies we attend?

I know that my place is not within the comfortable Christian bubble, but it's not easy at all to walk outside of it. And yes, it makes me uneasy and insecure because I love Jesus, but I'm still quite human...that part never really goes away...well, not until I D-I-E...

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