
hmm. yes.

an excerpt from a Job study guide (the context of the following paragraph is how Job expressed himself freely, not holding his emotions back, when He spoke with God about his suffering [Job 7:7-21; 9:14-10:7] and how Scripture encourages us to "pour out our hearts to God." [psalm 62:8]):
...Sometimes anger can mean we are outgrowing a concept of God that is no longer adequate. That was surely the case with Jonah who was angry that God did not live up to Jonah's expectations as a just judge of Ninevites [Jonah 4:1,4,9).

Mike Mason says, 'The difference between believers and unbelievers is that while the former argue on speaking terms with the LORD, the latter do so by turning their backs and giving Him the silent treatment...Anger may be used by God to break up a spirit of complacency...our anger functions to move us closer to God as He really is. Religious phonies will go to almost any length to hide the fact that their relationship with God is not real or satisfying. But people who truly love the LORD have a consuming hunger for reality."

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