

I don't know why, but I always want to write something that will shake people up. Something that will make a difference in someone's thought normal thought process, something that will make them think outside of their preconceived notions and assumptions. To lay aside their biases and open their minds and their hearts long enough to consider that the world is largely gray, with some black and white instead of the other way around. I am passionate about provoking others to think. Not just to exercise their minds, but to maybe, figure out whether what they think is something they truly believe, or if what they believe is contingent upon a conscious, or unconscious, fear of what others may think.

Or maybe it has nothing to do with any of the above. Maybe I'm just strangely compelled to share my thoughts with you, or anyone who would care (because, statistically-speaking, if you--reader--have managed to make it this far into this post, you actually care. I hope that doesn't come as a surprise to anyone).

With all that to say, here are three things, I am really compelled/convicted/excited to follow through with for the year 2010:

1. Seek to fully rely on the power of the Holy Spirit: While some may freak out and think I've gone "crazycharismatic"... I've yet to find anything remotely un-biblical about utterly surrendering to the Holy Spirit of God--who is present with me and in me, who is supposedly, according to Jesus, better for me than Him actually being here on Earth. I don't have details of how I'm supposed to do this, but I do know it's a day to day thing. I want to commit to pray and ask God everyday to show me the full extent of His power and see what He does in my life and how He uses me for His Kingdom! I'm excited!
2. Find a ministry to be involved in and stick with it: I admit that I've been shying away from involving myself in ministry due to various reasons (school, life, personal conundrums). But I think that this goal coincides with the previous one. I would really love to do something that involves the homeless population, or even something that entails going into the "heart of darkness" of my community. I just want to show Christ's love to others.
3. Living a healthy lifestyle: I've been working out 3 times a week, which I know will be harder to follow through with once school starts, but I want to commit to doing some sort of physical activity (outside of walking to class) at least three times a week. Not only that, but I want to commit to drinking eight glasses of water everyday and eating some sort of fruit/vegetable with every meal. And if that isn't enough, I want to try to decrease my caffeine and sodium intake.

All three goals take quite a bit of intentionality and courage. I am kind of wary because I have never (ever) made a New Year's resolution--mostly because I was too cowardly to commit myself to anything that would make me have to be disciplined. I guess I'm taking a stand against...myself and my cowardice. I want to live more intentionally. And I know that living this way is going to be challenging.

So...here I go.

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