
I wish...

...that my brain had an off button, so that i wouldn't have to think so much or too hard. or better yet: a filter button, so i would only think about the good things when life is hard, and the hard things when i'm strong enough;

...that God Himself would somehow extend His arms of love from Heaven, pick me up and hold me in His lap and tell me that everything is going to be ok...that what He does, whether easy or hard, has eternal value that makes it worth it to go through crap.

...thinking about the things unseen would make the things seen, less painful.

...that brocoli didn't make the kitchen smell like fart.

...that I could eat a million snickers bars without any serious repurcussions.

...that everyone would know how my brothers, Lenard & Lenny, make me laugh more than anyone else can, that being with them lift my spirits and make me feel like I belong somewhere.

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