

Earlier today I went to Albertson's on a quest to buy eggs. As I browsed through the many selection of eggs, I came across "Cage Free Vegetarian Eggs: for the lacto-ovo vegetarian." Immediately my inherently curious nature was raised as high as both my eyebrows. Interesting. In fact, I was so interested that I bought them! I mean, hey why not? I'm not a vehement pursuer of poultry rights (unless you count their right to feed my chicken-loving belly), but I also don't think we should treat animals inhumanely. More importantly, these eggs were a $1 cheaper than normal, chicken-hater eggs.

Upon opening the package I found a letter of appreciation from a kind-looking chicken named Heather Fedbetter-- it just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it? The letter said:

"My name is Heather Fedbetter and I want to thank you for giving my sisters and me a wonderful home. When you support the Egg Innovations Brand, you are supporting a company that:
- will not market any caged eggs under our brand-we are the cage free company!
-They do not feed me or any of my sisters drugs, antibiotics, or animal-by-products because when you are fedbetter, you feel better.
-They give us a home on family farms not factory farms because YOU have a choice.

...have an Eggscellent Day!
Heather Fedbetter."
wow. I'll be sure to remember Heather Fedbetter and how much I've helped her and her sisters as I eat their unborn young. Scrambled. With a side of tomatoes.

Oh, the irony.


c.c. said...

ohhh linell. i am still laughing aloud as i type this. i too appreciate the irony of it all... although in Heather's defense, they are unfertilized eggs, so they're not really Unborn Young; they're still just Un.

i'm glad to hear that it's cheaper to be a friend to chickens. i am not against treating live animals nicely.

Full Quiver Family said...

Love it! We love all animals. . .they're delicious. . .