As I walked through the automatic sliding doors, I felt like I was transported into another dimension. The asian dimension. What was supposed to be a quick run to the grocery store was prolonged into an hour long tour of the entire market. I was completely fascinated with everything that was in there--from the flower shop with authentic rainforest sounds to the lingerie shop, placed in between the "children's corner" and the deli. It was a menagerie of miscellaneous items. "One of these things is not like the other..." kept playing in my head as I browsed around.
Anyway, I managed to find the rice aisle. I was all set to go with my prize (plus a few other things I picked up on the way) when I came across this:

It's a rice dispenser! At least that's what I gathered from the picture (since I don't read Japanese). I looked at by bag of rice and then looked again at this amazing invention, thinking to myself: "Life just got a little bit easier. And more fun!" I grabbed it from the shelf and quickly made my way to the check-out counter before I was tempted to buy anything else.

As soon as I got home, I ripped the box out of the bag, thoroughly excited about my new toy. However, I ran across a slight problem. Nothing on the box was in English. Which is fine, except that I didn't know how to put it together. Fortunately, the manufacturers were kind enough to provide pictures. (Though, in retrospect, I don't think I read instructions, in the first place. It's a bad habit of mine to skim over instructions and just look at pictures. I am very much a visual person. Words can bore me sometimes. Ironic, isn't it?)

YAY. you should have gotten a rice cooker too linell :)
oh but i do have one. i do :)
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