
"I could've danced all night..."

I will admit it proudly. I am a "Gleek"-- a new label coined by pop culture to define [or herd] those of us who are fans of Fox's newest TV series, "Glee." For those of you who have not heard, or have made a conscious choice to not jump on another TV show bandwagon--a decision that I applaud and admire you for--"Glee" is a show about a bunch of misfits who are part of a glee club. There is lots of singing (lots of GOOD singing), great re-mixes of popular tunes, good-looking people (Noah "Puck" Puckerman i.e Mark Salling), outlandish humor, and of course, plenty of high-school drama. I think that's part of the appeal. I'm basically watching a lot of quirky yet talented, semi-coordinated people make bad choices. And it's funny in a "I'm-so-glad-I-have-more-common-sense-than-they-do" kind of way. I think many people enjoy this show for that reason...i mean, other than the fact that the musical numbers are just excellent. I can't remember the last time I actually was excited about watching TV! I love Glee. Wee.

Anyway, here's a clip of the Glee club's rendition of Queen's --Somebody to Love. It's by far my favorite.

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