

Lately, I've been writing songs. Err, I mean, I have had every intention of writing songs--I just haven't been able to finish anything that I start. I'm really frurstated. I used to do this thing, or rather have this ravenous...um, no, that's not the word I'm looking for. Doesn't make sense. SEE! I can't...write. Gah. *sigh* Whatever it was that made me write songs so effortlessly, whatever it was that caused lyrics and music to pour out of my body/soul/heart/mind...it is hybernating. Or at least, that's what I'm hoping it is doing. Its like...nothing is sticking anymore. I picture a large white board with nothing on it and me standing in front of the white board with sticky notes in my hand. In vain, I try to put these sticky notes (which represent my song ideas) on my large white board (which represents my predisposed obsession with being creative) but the sticky notes will not stay on and they quickly fall off.

Hmmm. Maybe it has a lot to do with my mind's tendency to be indecisive. Maybe I'm just having trouble committing to these ideas. Whatever it is, I'd like for it to go away so that I can write a pretty song. Hrmph.

I'm just gonna keep playing guitar till something happens.

1 comment:

c.c. said...

keep going keep going. i always give up on creativity, and thus i have never produced anything creative of any lasting value in my life. you, however, have much more promise.