
Good morning...morning.

Sleeping in is a thing of the past for me. I'm not really saying that to brag but more to reflect on this weird phenomenon. It's like...God implanted a very small alarm clock in my brain--probably close to my cerebral cortex--that goes off at 5:00 every morning (except for the mornings that I have be at clinicals by 6:00, because I have to wake up at 4:30 on those days). Yeah, it's kind of entertaining-- that my eyes BLAST wide open when the sky is still dark and when I roll over to look at the time, it's always 5:00. Of course, I try to fight it as much as I could, but it's not much use.

I kind of like it. Kind of love it. How could I not...love it? It gives me more time in the morning to relax before I have to go to school. Waking up that early gives me more time to pray and dedicate the morning to the LORD and rely on His strength and provision to make it through the day. Not that I do it perfectly everyday. And it's not like I never grumble and complain. But...it is good. I love the faithfulness of God in the day-to-day. If He were not faithful, I would be lost.

Anyways, I am really excited to babysit today. I have been able to hang out with kids for the past three weeks and LORD knows that I've needed these opportunities. It's really cool! Children are so great, even if they are rambunctious and bratty, they still find joy in the simplest things in life. I think that is awesome. I think that's why I love kids so much. And no, it's not easy to watch kids. After all, they are little depraved human beings who are still learning appropriate boundaries. But it is a great privilege and opportunity to help shepherd little ones and to help them learn those boundaries. Not to mention that I get to listen to them and observe them as they try to figure out life. I was listening to a sermon the other day and the pastor talked about this very thing. He told a story about his son, John, who was three at the time. John, who recently discovered that there was a baby in his mother's tummy, climbed up on his mother's lap, opened her mouth and at the top of his lungs screamed, "HI BABY!!" into his poor mother's throat. SEE! Kids. So fun.

Last thing:
Thanksgiving break is fast approaching!! I'll be driving home to Fresno on Tuesday right after my Theory exam. YAY. I am excited to be home and to be with my family. I am excited to spend time with my amazing little brothers. I am excited to see the Micu's. I am excited to see Riverpark Bible Church people. I am excited to hang out with Cristi, Russell and etc. It will be so good to be away from school for a week and to be at a place where I can relax.


1 comment:

oomerfoo said...

i cannot believe you deactivated facebook...
ironically elise and i were just discussing the good things about deactivating facebook because I did for a while..

anyway, I'm really thankful that I saw you today, thank you for your prayers. It worked!
God provided me with someone my age..
it's pretty rad... I dont know. Im going to sleep now.
all of this would have felt a lot more private if i could just facebook inbox you...