
The Big Picture

context: Sometimes, we get too caught up in the little, minute details of everyday life. I have found it beneficial for my soul to take a step back and look at the big picture: God's overall purpose for mankind and what He's going to do in this world. I was reminded of this, once again, when I was freaking out about all the things I had to do for class. But, even all the little things that seem insignificant, somehow, still fit in with The Big Picture.

The following is an entry I wrote in my non-online journal on Sept. 30th. It is meant to be an encouragement and an exhortation to my brothers and sisters in Christ. May God get all the glory, for He has given me these insights and these words:

Praises to God:

God, how I love to dwell on thoughts that exalt Your name. You are Holy and beautiful. Your taste is everlasting sweetness on the palate of my soul. Father God, Your goodness never fails to satisfy. You, who sustains all things, sustain the righteous. Oh, the depths of Your amazing grace that overwhelms the proud sinner with profound humility.

Jesus Christ. In that name, the name that the Father has declared the name above all names, is the name that calms my troubled soul. Jesus, the focal point of the universe, the source of my salvation and strength, You sacrificed your rightful place as ruler of the universe so that You could life a perfect, earthly life serving the sinful and ungrateful human race. Your life speaks volumes about what it means to please and placate the wrath of a righteous and holy God. If actions speak louder than words, then Your life on earth resonates throughout the continuum of eternity: of things that were, things present and things to come.

Christ, You are exalted and rightly worshiped, for it is You, who bore the sins of the world on Your shoulders. You were cursed for our transgressions so that the scales on our eyes would fall away and that we would see God's amazing grace. And now that I see the goodness of God and the gravity of man's depravity, I understand what is necessary to be able to stand under the banner of God's steadfast love: a passionate zeal to live holy lives, jealous for God's glory.

Holy Spirit. Thank You for Your wisdom, for Your patience, for guiding my life, for sincere conviction. I praise You for helping me see God's glory. Thank You for what You are teaching me.

An exhortation to believers:

What point is there in living for own ends, for our own subjective, justifiable means? I see my selfish intents and when I act on them, its not long before my spirit grieves within me, crying out, "What's the point? If it is not for God, then what's the point!"

Easier said than done.

But God wants it done. He understands that we're human and that we're depraved, bent on straying away from your Shepherd like lost and dumb sheep. He knows that this world is evil, filled with temptation, malice and painful experiences. He knows that "life isn't fair," and He hears us when we say, quietly to ourselves, "no one deserves this." He knows that we do, in fact, deserve it. He is just, righteous and holy. It is in His nature to allow the painful experiences in life ot happen because of sin. And sin, deserves death.

But the truth remains that God is good, full of grace and filled with steadfast love. As the psalmist says in Psalm 139:
"He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities, for as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His steadfast love toward those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far does He remove our transgressions from us. As a father shows compassion to His children, so the LORD shows compassion to those who fear Him."

So fear Him.
Love Him.
Sacrifice your life for the sake of the Cross.
Be diligent in studying scripture and living a holy and blameless life.
But do not, under any circumstances, think that you can do this by just "doing." This is a life. Not a checklist of things to do before you die and go to heaven. And always, always, always remember God's grace, lest we become loveless and legalistic. God knows that this life is difficult, especially for His righteous ones. But GRACE:

Grace is what gives strength to the weary, righteous ones. Grace is what gives us access to the throne room of the most High. Grace is the pillow that we can rest our heads on, so that we can sleep at night. Grace is what wakes us up in the morning. Grace fulfills us and reminds us of our ultimate purpose in life. Grace is what makes life worth living. Grace shows us what it means to love our God. Grace teaches us how to love other people. Grace is why God sent His beloved Son to die on the Cross and Grace is the awesome reminder that God loves us, the way no one else ever can.

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