

We often wonder if we love God, or more often than not, we wonder if God loves us. However, I feel that most of us who call ourselves Christians would undoubtedly say that we love God--but how could God ever love us? A woman posed this question to Charles Spurgeon and this is what he had to say:

I once knew a good woman who was the subject of many doubts, and when I got to the bottom of her doubt, it was this: she knew she loved Christ, but she was afraid he did not love her. “Oh!” I said, “that is a doubt that will never trouble me; never, by any possibility, because I am sure of this, that the heart is so corrupt, naturally, that love to God never did get there without God’s putting it there.” You may rest quite certain, that if you love God, it is a fruit, and not a root. It is the fruit of God’s love to you, and did not get there by the force of any goodness in you. You may conclude, with absolute certainty, that God loves you if you love God.


1 comment:

c.c. said...

that reminds me of the part in Stepping Heavenward (have you read it? it's lovely) when Dr. Cabot tells Katy that God loves her in spite of everything, and she goes home repeating that to herself over and over in joyful tears. it's always so simple but so profound to meditate on: Jesus loves me, this i know.