
Melanies everywhere!

So today, I attempted to try to remember the names of the girls in my nursing class. Though my attempts nearly failed when I tried to call three girls "Melanie." I walked up to Heather, Jessica and Brittany--each at separate moments in time, of course-- and called them "Melanie," in utter confidence. Why? I don't know. I don't think there was even a Melanie in my class! But that didn't seem to matter to me...or my brain.

In other news:

- I also attempted to remove my nose stud. Scratch that. I actually did it. It bled. Why did I do it? I found out that I am not allowed to have it when I start clinicals next week. So I decided that I wanted to "practice" removing it. But my "practicing" makes me not want to do it again. Not that taking out and replacing the nose stud hurts in any way. It's just really awkward. You try pushing something through the side of your nose and tell me how that makes you feel. I probably just sound like a big baby. And I did do this to myself. Oh, Why do I have to like my nose stud so much? Why? why?? It would be easier to just take it out and "foh-gedda-bout" it. But I never do things the easy way. It's a pride thing.

- I realized that I will never fit into the parallel universe of "musical theatre." I discovered this as I watched Elise and Emily talk and talk (and talk and talk) about how much they love Hello, Dolly and etc. I'm not saying this is a bad thing. It isn't. But wow. It was like peering into an entirely different dimension.

- I'm taking a comparative mythology and folklore class through the Anthropology department at Biola as the ying to my yang of nursing classes, assignments, etc. While I am intrigued and excited about what I get to read for this class, the reading assignment is rather atrocious; averaging about 100 pages a week. Yoinks! So much for balance! But... I will survive! I will survive! HEY-EY!


Jeku said...

It's all about Wicked!!!

What's your rotation this semester?

oomerfoo said...

its all about anthropology.

Unknown said...

I call everyone Michael or Michelle. It makes it a LOT easier. They get used to it after a while, as I get used to being called Rob.