
At long last.

I am going to be a nurse. I have finally, been accepted into a nursing program. This is so wonderful! (The fact that a small aspect of my life has reached this level of certainty is a little overwhelming.)

Coming home with such good news has put my parents in the best mood I've seen them in since...the day my brother, Lenard, got the Student of the Year award in 6th grade. That's probably an over-exaggeration. However, I do sort of feel like I'm their favorite child right now. Maybe it's a combination of their dreams coming true and my coming home after being away for about three months, but I am being showered with love and presents. I'm not complaining. But it is rather awkward at times. I never know what to do when special attention is aimed right at me.

ugh. I feel a tangent coming on... oh my, here it goes:

I wish I were more articulate and had more clever words to say, at this point. But I guess I don't need to be that creative all the time. Though it would be nice. I'd probably have more friends if I were able to write journal entries that had more profound things to say. I actually used to be better at writing sentences. Now, I'm annoyingly straightforward and choppy. I'd prefer to have more complex sentence structures filled with illusory vocabulary and astute similes and metaphors.

But...no such luck.

At least I'm going to be a nurse someday. I suppose that's better than being a good writer. Right?


Ron Napier said...

First off, you are a good writer. Secondly, congratulations :-) You will make a good nurse--not enough nurses communicate half as well as you, and do not have the empathy to be truly successful. Those are the hard parts to attain--the knowledge just takes some studying and experience.

c.c. said...

it is better to be a good nurse than a good writer, if you're going to be a nurse. :] i'm still so proud of you!

but you do express yourself well. and i actually am irritated at blogs that force a higher register than strictly necessary (or natural). maybe terseness is awkward, but there is no beauty like well formed brevity. in my opinion.