
Ramblings of an emerging insomniac...

God has given me a zeal, to live a faith that is wholistic, lived out in word and deed. I know many who share this same zeal, and I am blessed to know them. Though there are also many, who are not passionate about things of the LORD. I am not saying that I am perfect. Heavens no. No no no no. I fail ALL the time. That's where grace comes in. And mercy. and yeah, things aren't black and white, but Jesus is always right. The word "christian" means "little Christ," so it is about time people start living up to that name. Just because we are "free" in Christ, it does not warrant us to live as WE please. That is not what freedom in Christ means. It's not about pleasing ourselves, it's about pleasing the LORD. In other words, it is so important that Christians live like Christ did. To be in the world, but not be associated with the world, AT ALL. I hate to come across like a "pharisee," but I would just like to point out that Jesus lived a life in perfect communion with God. Jesus did not curse, or use the LORD's name in vain, or disrespect authority, just to name a few things, that we Christians exercise our "freedom" in. Jesus was sinless. He was perfectly obedient. He loved and respected others. I think it's time we stop using the cop-out, "but we're human and Jesus was God." Jesus was human, too. He was tempted like all of us. He just had a clear purpose of what God wanted from Him (something we all share...we do have purpose), and Jesus LOVED the Father, which is why He was so obedient. He LOVED God and wanted to do His will.

Maybe the problem is that we don't love God enough? Not exactly a no-brainer...
My prayer is that those who really belong to Christ will understand that God literally has given us a higher-calling...we need to live as Christ; He, who knew no sin... we've got our work cut out for us. Sorry, not to imply that Christianity is based on works. It is not. But out of loving obedience to a God who saved us from damnation, we should do our best to live a life that is pleasing to Him...as Jesus did.


Emily said...

Thank you for this linell. It was very encouraging. Are you still coming back for interterm?

Daniel is Bourne said...

It's so hard for me to "not conform to the pattern of this world" because I am, unfortunately, a part of this world and as part of this iniquitous world, I can't help but be influenced...or maybe this it's just that I'm shamefully weak in mind and spirit in which case this would be an attempt to console myself. Nevertheless, thanks for your convicting words. Stay strong Linell and continue to set an example.