

a soul can be a never-ending
line of knots and twisted things
formed into a noose,
to threaten the livelihood of one
man's being

a soul may never know
the wide open spaces
it was meant to roam,
falling into the depths
of fear,
before it can make its way home

a soul may never know
fully the vastness of its Creator,
as it fashions for itself
rules and regulations,
subjecting itself to
shallow externalizations

a soul is meant to seek its
Master, unhinged and unhindered
from the threats of the former
misgivings and
lies and contradictions,
unexamined proclamations,
of truths without contemplation,
of the implication
of truth's real meaning.

a soul is meant to be meaningful,
and full of life,
a reflection of the One,
who breathes life
into being.

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