
The One Where Kendra locks herself outside.

There are some days that are just more eventful/funny than others:

My roommate and good friend, Kendra feel that our lives, separately and together would make for good tv sitcom material.  Our tv sitcom would be called: Our Neighbor, Luigi--  In honor of our eccentric and endearing neighbor, who is 45 years old, lives with an asian man (no relations) and his mother, who frequently leaves the house to walk her poodle (dyed pink, of course), with her hair in rollers, and a cigarette hanging loosely on the corner of her mouth.

Anyway, this morning, Kendra had a friend come over for breakfast. And being a nice friend that she is, she decided to walk her friend out to her car, unbeknownst to her at the time that she, out of force of habit, had locked the door as she closed it.  Kendra realized her dilemma when she attempted to let herself in.  She wasn't too worried, though, because she knew that her trusty roommate, Linell, would hear the doorbell/ knocking and let her back in shortly.

And in true sitcom fashion, where timing is everything, this is about the time that I decide to take a shower.  While I was in the bathroom, I heard the distant clinging of bells,  but since I didn't realize that we had a doorbell--how I missed this, I am not sure--I thought that I was just hearing things. I had been taking a lot of aspirin lately for pain, so I thought I developed a case of tinnitus and made a mental note to quit my pill-poppin.'

So, while I was showering, Kendra decided to walk around our apartment to my bedroom window and started knocking on it, thinking that I was still on my bed sleeping.  Of course, I was in the bathroom, so I didn't hear anything.  Kendra wondered to herself how deep a sleeper I was and also asked the age old question: "Why, God, Why?"  With nothing else to do, but to wait and hope that I would answer the door at some point, Kendra decided to pull some weeds in our backyard.  She also watered the plants on the front porch and emptied water that had pooled in one of the trashcans that we keep outside.

Still unaware of what was happening outside, I was taking my sweet time in the shower room.  When I finished, I sat in the middle of my room and pondered about what to do with my day and why I was hearing bells.  I must admit that I was mildly concerned.   At this point, my good friend Julianne called me.  We were on the phone for some time, when I heard loud knocking at my window.  I froze for a moment, until I heard a familiar voice say, "Linell? Linell? Can you...let me in?"  Then all of a sudden, it was like a lightbulb turned on in my head: "OH. I wasn't hearing bells...there was someone ringing our doorbell. And it was Kendra. Wait, we have a doorbell?"

So, Kendra was finally let in and she filled me in on her eventful and productive morning.  We laughed about the incident for sometime. Kendra saying that her life is like a sitcom and I agreed that funny things do happen to her.  The best part is how she can turn a frustrating situation into something hilarious.

Then we decided to get make the most of the day by getting coffee and beignets at the Jazz Kitchen in Downtown Disney.  It was also in honor of Team Gordo, a term originating from the fact that Kendra and her cousins love to eat junk food and lots of it when they get together.  I've recently become an honorary member when I joined the family for Thanksgiving dinner this past November.

After we got back, we watched a few episodes of TLC's "Say Yes To the Dress." Kendra watched, while I mostly judged.  I think the woman who needed three wedding dresses was kinda ridiculous.

Haha, what a day. And it's not over yet.  Two new friends from Newport, Josh and Dave, have decided to pick me up and take me to Newport to hang out.  Haven't done anything quite so spontaneous in quite some time.  But it definitely makes life more interesting.


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