
Thoughts about things and stuff...

the following blog entry is dedicated to: the pharmacology test looming over my head that I haven't studied for, the lack of sleep I have to look forward to in loo (haha lieu?) of Mock Rock being this Friday and I have practice every night (930-1230) till then & the ominous Nursing Process Analysis paper due on April 1st (april fools?) that is going to be, at least, 30 pages long (I am on page 2...).

A list of things I would rather be doing, or am doing, instead of studying:
1.) Blog about not studying for my Pharmacology test (ta-da!)
2.) Come up with a list of sentences in alliteration just because I like doing it: "Always aspire to accomplish and acknowledge actions, or activities....yadda yadda"
3.) Acknowledging the fact that only an extravert would openly blog about this.
4.) Reminiscing about those good old days when my world revolved around the following: eating, sleeping, pooping.
5.) I was referring to my childhood, just in case you were wondering.
6.) Yes, I just said pooping. I'm sure my future husband will understand and will love me anyway, since really that's what it's all about, right?
7.) I wish my friendship bread would hurry up and ferment so I can bake it right now and eat in about 45min-1 hour depending on my oven or the altitude.
8.) I wonder...
9.) Thinking that maybe John Calvin himself wasn't a Five-point Calvinist.
10.) I marvel at the fact that some people will sit around and debate the Calvinism & Arminianism issue till their blue in the face, but fail to see the importance of applying whatever it is that they so passionately believe into real life situations: i. e. reaching out to the broken, the poor, loving people the way Christ would want his followers to, showing mercy and grace to others, etc.
11.) Woa, I just got deep there. Tends to happen.
12.) What is the point of this list, anyway?
13.) oh yes, Procrastination.
14.) Krichelle, if you're reading this, you shouldn't be.
15.) I wonder how the sound "gack" has become a semi-permanent part of my vernacular.
16.) Thinking that it's really neat that she has a multitude of friends, Ukrainians and non-Ukrainians alike :-)...
17.) I think I'm going to watch the first episode of the third season of Lost now.

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