

If you were to ask me to describe my week, thus far, in one word, I would say: Humbling. with a capital "H."

Humbling situation #1: I was convicted of a few things that required me to put to death any sort of entitlement or rights that I had about certain situations. Following through with what I needed to do was like a violent and radical extraction of my pride. I likened it to be like a root canal, without the novocaine. Pride hurts my soul and my relationships. It needs to come out, because it's poison.

Humbling situation #2: a couple of days ago, as I was backing out of the carport of my apartment, my right rear view mirror snagged on the pole that supports the carport and the whole thing broke off. It was hanging helplessly down the side of my car, as I drove around trying to find super glue to put it back together. When the super glue didn't work, I used electrical tape that I found in my roommate's toolbox. The situation made me laugh because earlier that day I was saying to myself, "Wow, you've done such a good job of taking care of your car over these years. Nothing has happened to it since you've moved to LA."

I spoke too soon.

Humbling situation #3: I don't need to go into too much detail, because it would make this post very long. The gist of it is this: Today in clinicals, I was functioning way too independently from the nurse I was shadowing--granted she did seem to trust me way too much-- which led to me making a medication error. The med error itself wasn't serious, as I found out after asking the pharmacist and my nurse. However, the med error plus the charting error PLUS the communication issue lead to my nurse making this comment: "What is going on with you? Are you possessed or something? Is Friday the 13th really getting to you?"


I know people make mistakes, we're imperfect beings after all. But to make so many in a row in such a short time, has to be some sort of a record. Though I do recognize that a lot of my mistakes stemmed from me being a little too overconfident. Gah. See? See, what happens when you're too prideful?

Take it from me, get rid of it. Get rid of it now before you break your car or accidentally kill someone.

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