
And so it begins...

If I could rate my winter break thus far, I would give it an enthusiastic two-thumbs up. It really has been the best break I've had in a long time. With that I am quite content. However, I cannot ignore a sort of foreboding feeling that it was a much needed break to prepare me in what this spring semester has in store for me [dun, dun, dunnnnnnn].

I am genuinely excited with what the LORD has in store for me, though I'm very aware that what He has in store for me does not guarantee that I am going to have butterflies in my stomach 24/7. No, I have a very realistic expectation of what's to come as a result of an understanding that the best learning experiences come from very hard situations. I almost have this, "bring it on" attitude because I know that even though it will be hard, God has proven Himself to be faithful, not only in my life, but in the lives of others. I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that He is good. And that it is not cliche for me to hear or say, that He will work all things for good. I want to learn more and more about God and what He wants from me, and if it means a continual breaking down of myself, so that Christ may increase, then so be it. I know that I will not always be so optimistic and clear headed. But may this remind me of what's true when I come back to it later on.

A couple of things:
1. I have made a few New Year's Resolution, which I am sure, will add to my "experience" in these coming months: A resolution to live sacrificially (which means foregoing a Disneyland pass for the year 2009, eating out less, living within my means, a shopping fast for six months and an increasing commitment to tithing--which comes from a conviction from the holy spirit and not of my own accord), a resolution to return to my natural self (dying my hair to my natural color and removing my nose ring as soon as nursing clinicals start), A resolution to eat sweets/desserts once a week (so hard!), a resolution to reading my Bible as the first thing I do when I wake up and lastly, a resolution to remove unnecessary "distractions" and instead seek out ministry opportunities, especially within the church body.

2. This semester is the Oncology (cancer) rotation for Level 1 Nursing Students. Please pray for us as we deal not only with school and the management of our time, physical and spiritual difficulties, but emotional difficulties as well. I am sure that many of classmates have been affected by cancer and it will be an emotionally trying time. Oh and let's not forget that 60 pager that we have to write. Yeah, it's going to great.

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