
"Oh yeah..."

It's been quite a bit of time since my last blogpost...thought I'd write a little something something--for those of you who care. (That may sound as biting sarcasm but it wasn't meant to be taken that way...maybe my voice inflection issues affect my blogging as well...haha.)

Well, I've been in Wisconsin for about three, almost four weeks now and it has been amazing. Please see the following bulletpoints for highlights, etc:

-Long Lake: as soon as I arrived at HoneyRock, I made a beeline for the waterfront. It's my favorite place ever. I love to just stare at the water. I actually got in the lake for the first time on Monday (after thinking about it for nearly three weeks). A couple of girls and I kayaked for about a couple hours and on the last leg of our trip, I (unintentionally) face planted into the water in my attempt to gracefully step out of the kayak :-). Good times.

- People: The community at HoneyRock is amazing. Everyone is friendly and encouraging. I absolutely love meal times because it's done family style.

- The Health Center: When I first saw our beloved Health Center, I was honestly apalled--not because of its facilities, but because of the bugs. But after doing some major extermination of all things creepy and crawly, I am proud to call the Health Center: "my happy place." Especially cause when we have downtime, the other nurses and I make fudge and sweet tea at our tiny little kitchen.

-the Northwoods: I do not miss the smog of L.A. I do not miss the I-5, nor the irate drivers, or sirens and public transportation. I am enamored by the nature that is all around me and I try to simply bask in it as much as possible.

-asian food: this is not a highlight, but a woe. I miss rice. I miss cooking. I miss soy sauce. I think the closest chinese food place is about 30 minutes away...and sushi...about 4 hours.

well, that's all the time that I have for now. Today is parent's/family day at camp and I'm really excited for all the fun things planned. Being the camp nursing assistant, thus far, has been a lot of fun-- and a lot of work--but I am honestly enjoying what I'm doing here. God is good! I can't believe that I get to live here and work/serve HoneyRock for another two months. And even if things gets harder, as the summer progresses, God is still and will always be SO AWESOMELY good :-).


Day of Destin..ation.

In approximately SIX hours I leave from the Fresno Air Terminal (FAT!) and will arrive in Rhinelander, Wisconsin tomorrow morning at 11:00am. Yup, an overnight flight. This will be interesting, since I'm not much a night owl.

I'm excited and nervous. As much as I love the thrill of being at a new place and meeting new people, I'm still a little bit anxious about what the summer has in store for me. But I'm praying fervently for my focus to be in the right place. That I would seek the LORD and seek to serve people, selflessly. I'm sure that things will turn out just fine. I just need to relax.

Well, I suppose that's all there is to say! I'm all packed--well, sort of, I'm kind of a few pounds over the limit... I need to figure out what I really, really don't need. Even if it kills me. And it probably will. Sigh. Why was I not given the ability to pack lightly? WHY??? Hah. This trip is already challenging me in that it is forcing me to leave more than half of my wardrobe behind and try to live 2 and 1/2 months as simply as I possibly can. And I do admire simplicity. It's just really hard for me. I can't assume that I can plan and pack for any possible situation, a wonderful trait that I inherited from my mother. But I'd like to think that I can pre-emptively pack, anyway. I'm ridiculous.

T minus...5 hours!